Multnomah County Corrections Deputies Association
DATE: September 3rd, 2024
SUBJECT: Labor/Management Agenda for September 3rd, 2024
TOPICS - Union
Maintenance MCDC (plumbing)
Water shut off 9/3/24 (should be) – will not be turned back on until fixed. Estimate for completion is 6 weeks approximately.
Exposure Protocol
Email to Pope, bandwidth to open up a complete reworking
Booking Capacity
Staff need to let the OIC know the condition of the reception area. If too many people, they need to know, so that either bookings can be slowed down or the issue can be addressed.
Hiring Numbers
See below
Foodport Covers (update)
Carpenters just got a new supervisor and command are trying to set up a meeting so they can come up with a solution for an install that does not require welding. Foodport covers are in our possession (no ordering needed).
Benchmark and Quick Reports still not interfaced (update)
Will get email response shortly (will update this section when received)
Laptops for SGTS and computers for escorts on floor
Working on a solution for that (Meeting between Reardon, Parks, and Morrison). Once they get this figured out, we will update.
Policy requires 2 deputies to perform dress in with scanner. 749
Once female staff have completed the strip search, a male staff member can step in to the dress in room to help facilitate the body scanner (i.e. directing females back to the stalls once the scan is complete).
Election Response (riots)
Bussing plan is in place with TriMet and LE. Staff will be required to report to a specific location. Movement into/out of building will be heavily controlled. Movements will be close to regular times staff already show up for work, thus should not impact schedules.
First response bid (our requirements) are sent out, company attorneys are looking at it, once they respond, county attorneys will respond (their response hopefully submitted by end of week).
Update on tracking of assault on staff
Deputies and Sergeants need to complete the staff assault checklist. Also, staff have violated management plans that have resulted in exposures. It is vital staff are reading the management plans, doing their job properly, to limit any possible exposures. Det. Lerch is getting video from events to submit with report to DA for charges.
Possible Workday/Telestaff Patch
Hopefully new scheduling program will be taking effect on the new bid. This new system will, eventually, actually talk to Workday and will be able to auto-fill your workday with your scheduled times.
Hiring Update
- 4 confirmed September 16th, 2 conditional for the16th. 2 new October 7th, 4 backgrounds moved to conditional. 100 new applicants since August 1st.