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June Contract Update

June 22, 2022 Contract Meeting Update

The contract negotiation team met with management on June 22 and presented our counter to their less-than-stellar offer from the previous meeting. We are still very far apart on all aspects of the negotiations. As part of the bargaining process, we made the following movements on our economic proposal in response to the one management made last time:

  • For the education incentive, we struck the incentive for members with master’s degrees.

  • Adjust Westside Worker incentive from 5% to a flat $260 monthly allowance for secured parking.

  • Adjust July 1, 2022, market wage adjustment from 9% to 7%

We also spoke candidly with them about our disappointment with their previous offer and how they said “no” to every one of our incentives. Their attorney said the county team expects MCCDA to pare down our incentives to what is “important to us.” However, we reiterated that if the county’s goal with this contract is to improve recruiting and retention, as they’ve said since the beginning, then they need to look at our incentive proposals and consider which ones they think will be most effective. It’s a two-way street, and the team will not be forced into giving concessions without equal effort from the county.

The updated proposals will be placed in the binders at MCDC, MCIJ, and the courthouse. When we’ve agreed with the county on a proposal, it will be labeled as “TA” in the binder for “tentative agreement.”

One important note: NOTHING HAS BEEN AGREED UPON. The negotiations are moving at a glacial pace, but they are still fluid. The team remains steadfast in obtaining the best contract possible. As always, please contact any team member if you have questions, concerns or suggestions.


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